FAQ on Working with Legionaries of Christs and Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi

1. Why a FAQ for Legionaries (LCs) and Consecrated Women (CRCs) working in the Federation?

With the institution of the Regnum Christi Federation as a public juridic person, there is now a formal process for assigning people to directive and certain pastoral roles in the Federation. This process considers the commitment of each federated institute and lay members to work together as an apostolic body while respecting each one’s identity and autonomy. This FAQ aims to promote communion and collaboration by providing clarify in regards to roles, reporting relationships and administrative requirements. Ultimately, the aim is to further the mission of the Federation by building communities of apostles and a work environment based on mutual trust and respect.

2. What roles can LCs and CRCs hold in the Federation?

LCs and CRCs may hold any role in the Federation for which they are qualified, assigned and appointed.

  • A person qualified for a role would have the experience, education, skills, attitudes, and characteristics suitable for that role. Ideally, qualified Legionaries and Consecrated Women would work in a wide variety of roles in the Federation, seeing the work of ‘forming formators’ as a perfect expression of their vocation to Regnum Christi.
  • A Legionary or Consecrated Women is assigned to the role by their respective governing authority. In the case of roles that require 5 hours or more per week, the assignment is made at the territorial or general level.
  • The Territorial Directive College has the authority to make all appointments to the Federation. It has delegated authority for appointing LC and CRC personnel to non-directive roles to the respective territorial director. Any appointment to the Federation must first consider the opinion of the respective directors.

Roles appointed by the Territorial Directive College

  • RC Local Director
  • RC Section Director
  • ECYD Director
  • RC Local College Member
  • RCD Council Member

Roles appointed by the respective territorial director

  • Chaplain
  • RC Mission Corps Local Director
  • Assistant Chaplain Assistant / Auxiliary Team member
  • Locality Apostolate Director

3. Is it a requirement to have LCs and CRCs working in the RC Federation?

The RC Federation is where the common mission of Regnum Christi is lived. The Federation includes the RC sections for lay members, ECYD and Federation apostolates. While not every LC or CRC are assigned to work in the Federation, all are members of the Federation and thus are concerned with its success. Investment of personnel in the Federation is the most efficacious way to live and extend the mission of Regnum Christi.

4. Who should the LCs and CRCs who work in the Federation report to?

As a well-run missionary organization, the Federation has clear job expectations and lines of authority. Every person appointed to work in the Federation will be assigned a supervisor. This supervisor serves as the apostolic director and is responsible for providing: clear job expectations, regular and timely feedback, job training if necessary and the resources needed to fulfill the responsibilities. The local director will assign the supervisor depending on the locality situation, but it will generally be as follows:

  • The assistant chaplain reports to the section chaplain
  • The chaplain reports to the section director
  • The assistant or auxiliary team member reports to the section director
  • The section director reports to the RC director (or delegate of the RC College)
  • The apostolate director reports to the RC director (or delegate of the RC College)

5. Is the locality expected to pay LCs and CRCs who work in the Federation?

Generally no. The positions in the Federation are volunteer positions which lay, Legionaries and Consecrated Women take on according to their capacity. The locality may, however, agree to pay a stipend to any person filling the role provided the appropriate written agreement is in place. The ideal for this practice has been laid out in Federation’s RC Remuneration Policy.

6. How committed should LCs and CRCs be to their work in the Federation? Can they take on other apostolates?

Like any other apostle working in the Federation, LCs and CRCs have multiple commitments. Nevertheless, they are responsible for being present and committed in accordance with their role’s requirements. LCs and CRCs often have primary and secondary assignments and it is their responsibility to work with their respective supervisors to ensure that time availability and job expectations are aligned with the role. Any conflicts should be addressed in advanced where possible.

7. What orientation is available for LCs and CRCs working in the RC Federation?

Typically, locality leadership and the Mission Support Team will work together to provide each newly appointed LC / CRC with an orientation to their role and the locality. As part of the appointment process, he/she will receive a welcome letter from the Mission Support Team with information and links to resources helpful for this assignment.

8. How is the Community Superior’s / Director’s role related to LCs and CRCs working in the RC Federation?

It is helpful when the superior/director of the community is supportive and understands the commitment required by any individual who works in the Federation. Ideally, the superior/director in the community has a strong relationship with the local RC director and is privy to the role description, hours, and any compensation agreement. This shared understanding should help the assigned person better fulfill their responsibilities and hopefully result in fewer conflicting assignments and priorities between community and RC locality life.

9. What is the proper way to address problems when they arise in the Federation?

Inevitably, some problems will arise in our work for the mission. When these problems do arise, the LC/CRC should speak to their supervisor first; if resolution is not achieved, they may go to the next level of leadership in the locality (the supervisor’s supervisor) while making sure their supervisor is aware of this action. The local RC director is ultimately responsible for the Federation in the locality and thus makes the final decision after listening to the opinion of his/her council. In the rare case where one feels morally compelled to raise an issue beyond the local authority, this is done formally by taking the issue in writing to the appropriate authority as shown in the table below. Job / Mission Related Issues Personal / Vocation Related Issues Supervisor RC Director Director, RCD Support Director, Mission Support Team Supervisor Community Director Territorial Director President, Territorial Directive College

10. What is the process for assigning LCs and CRCs to roles in the Federation?
  1. In late fall, the LC and CRC community directors and the RC director are consulted to provide input into LC and CRC assignments in the locality. This input is collected and considered as part of the annual LC/CRC assignment of personnel process.
  2. In May and June, the branches will propose assignments of LC and CRC personnel to the Federation (new positions, changes and renewals). The local directors are consulted as part of this process to ensure a good fit with the locality strategy and reality.
  3. Once there is agreement on the proposal, the LCs and CRCs formally make the assignment and the Territorial Directive College formally appoints the LC / CRC to their role. Decrees are issued to the appointed LC / CRC with copies sent to their supervisor and community superior/director. Appointments are for a maximum of three years and are renewable.
  4. Requests for new / changes to appointments may be initiated by the locality at any time during the year. These proposals are submitted to the Territorial Directive College via the director of RCD Support.

11. Which policies and codes of conduct do we need to follow when working with minors?

All Regnum Christi activities involving minors fall under the jurisdiction of the Federation. Whether the LC or CRC working with minors or organizing the event is assigned to the Federation or not, they must follow the Federation’s safe environment regulations and code of conduct.

12. What are some important considerations when working in the Federation?

Following is a list of list of considerations that LCs and CRCs might find helpful in when working in the Federation:

  1. Foster mutual respect. The Federation is where the four vocations of Regnum Christi come together in mission. Each vocation brings its unique contribution to the common mission and thus, working relationships based on mutual respect is essential. LCs and CRCs can be instrumental in fostering mutual respect through their personal witness and their encouragement of others.
  2. Read and deeply internalize the Regnum Christi Statutes and the Rule of Life for the Lay Faithful Associated with Regnum Christi. Adopt the new language and share the rich concepts present in these documents that aim to express the Regnum Christi charism and the particular vocation of the lay Regnum Christi member.
  3. Depending on your role, work intentionally to build a leadership team that will take on shared responsibility for the section or apostolate
  4. Seek to proactively collaborate with other apostolates, RC schools, institutions, communities and sections in the locality – bringing the fullness of the RC charism to the local mission. Help people to see how each one is contributing to the overall mission of the locality.
  5. Be a good witness within your respective communities. Share the work you are doing in the Federation and invite other members of their community to actively participate in the life of the RC family.
  6. Carefully read and comply with Safe Environment Policy and Code of Conduct. Note: Only the lay members are required to complete the Volunteer Screening process as the LCs and CRCs meet comparable requirements through their respective branches.
  7. Avoid conflicts of interest and be clear which entity you are representing when you are working, the Federation or your community. This standard of behavior is particularly important in the case of fundraising.
  8. Respect locality lines of authority and avoid triangulating where possible. We are a spiritual family and apostolic body and division within the family can be traumatic. Working through the normal channels of authority is an important discipline (see Q9) and discern well how and when to escalate problems.
  9. Be open to giving and receiving feedback, all in an effort to grow as apostles.
  10. Take proper care of both the administrative as well as apostolic requirements of the role. Administrative requirements related to hiring and managing personnel, bookkeeping and managing finances, fundraising and donor care, safe environment, legal contracts reviews, volunteer management, data privacy, regular reporting requirements, etc. are important aspects of any apostolate or section. Failure to attend to these aspects damages the reputation of the Federation and impacts the long-term viability of the section or apostolate.
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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!