Date What Where Level Who to Contact
Apr 29 – May 4, 2024 International RC General Convention

Rome, Italy

International Fr. Patrick O’Loughlin
April 11, 2024 ECYD Directors’ Spring Collaboration Call 



Amelia Hoover 

April 29, 2024 Challenge and Conquest Group Coaching Call



Christina Jacobeen

May 22-23, 2024 ECYD Life Department Q2 Offsite

Atlanta, GA

Department Fr. Patrick O’Loughlin
May/June, 2024 Challenge/Conquest 2024-25 Registration launched   Territory Donovan Novak
June/July ECYD Mission Corps Sites and ECYD Summer Camps   Local

ECYD MC – Aly Brotherton

Camps – Donovan Novak

June 17-21, 2024 National Eucharistic Congress Indianapolis, IN Territory Aly Brotherton
July 21-28, 2024 ECYD/RC High School Conventions Atlanta, GA Territory

Girls:  Brittany Tobar-Hanavan

Boys:  Fr. Patrick O’Loughlin

Sept 1, 2024 

Deadline to send ECYD Mission Corps Site Info for Summer 2025 



Aly Brotherton 

Sept 23, 2024

Challenge and Conquest Group Coaching Call



Christina Jacobeen

Aug-Dec, 2024 

Orientation for New ECYD Directors  

Virtual – monthly 1-1s 


Fr. Patrick O’Loughlin 

Sept 1, 2024 

Applications open for Winter ECYD Missionaries 2025 


Aly Brotherton 

Sept 12, 2024 

ECYD Directors’ Fall Collaboration Call 



Amelia Hoover 

Oct 1, 2024 

Deadline to register Challenge and Conquest clubs for money back to local ECYD sections 



Donovan Novak 

Nov 1-3, 2024 

ECYD Adult Leadership Summit (ECYD Directors and their directive team) 

Columbiere Retreat & Conference Center. 9075 Big Lake Rd, City of the Village of Clarkston, MI 


Fr Patrick O’Loughlin 

Nov 1, 2024 

ECYD Mission Corps Application Opens for Summer 2025 



Aly Brotherton 

Nov 1, 2024 

ECYD Life Department Giving Campaign Launched 



Fr Patrick O’Loughlin 

Nov 2, 2024 

Annual ECYD Camp Administration Registration launched 



Donovan Novak 

Nov 3-9, 2024 

National Vocation Awareness Week 




Nov 11, 2024

Challenge and Conquest Group Coaching Call



Christina Jacobeen

Nov 17-23, 2024 

National Missionary Awareness Week 



Aly Brotherton 

Nov 20, 2024 

Liturgical Feast Day of St Jose Sanchez del Rio 




Nov 24, 2024 

Solemnity of Christ the King 




Dec 29, 2024 – Jan 2, 2025 

Ignition National Retreat 

LC Novitiate and College for Humanities 

475 Oak Avenue, Cheshire CT 


Fr Jaime Lorenzo 

Dec 31, 2024 

Deadline for ECYD Camp Administration Registration 



Donovan Novak 

Jan 21, 2025 

St. Agnes Feast Day – Patron Saint of ECYD 




Jan 26 – Feb 1, 2025 

Catholic Schools Week 




Feb 1, 2025 

Deadline for ECYD Mission Corps Applications 



Aly Brotherton 

Mar 17, 2025 

Assignment of ECYD Missionaries 



Aly Brotherton 

Feb 7-11, 2025 

ECYD Professional Development Days 

Mother Boniface Spirituality Center, Philadelphia 


Amelia Hoover 

Feb 10, 2025 

St. Jose Sanchez del Rio Feast Day – Patron Saint of ECYD 




Feb 14-17, 2025 

National ECYD Middle School Boys Sports Tournament 

Sacred Heart Apostolic School, Indiana 


Fr Patrick O’Loughlin 

Feb 17-23, 2025 

International ECYD Meetings 

Rome, Italy 


Fr Patrick O’Loughlin 

Apr 3, 2025 

ECYD Directors’ Spring Collaboration Call 



Amelia Hoover 

Apr 17-20, 2025 

Holy Week and Easter 

Local Mission 




Challenge and Conquest 2024-25 Registration launched 



Donovan Novak 


ECYD Mission Corps Sites and ECYD Summer Camps 



ECYD MC – Aly Brotherton 

Camps – Donovan Novak 

July 22-Aug 4, 2025 

IEETL – International Encounter of ECYD Team Leaders (for 16+, arrival 22nd, departure 4th) 

Rome, Italy 


Natalia Santos, Maura Henkel 

July 27-Aug 4, 2025 

ECYD/RC National Convention for the Jubilee in Rome (for 16+, arrival 27th, departure 4th) 

Rome, Italy 


Girls:  Brittany Tobar-Hanavan 

Boys:  Fr Patrick O’Loughlin 

ECYD Administrative Support & Event Planning

Basic Principles for Operating an ECYD Section

  1. All events offered by ECYD should be registered and follow the event guidelines of RC Activities at click here. 

  2. All adult volunteers for ECYD follow the volunteer certification process at click here.

  3. The Safe Environment Policy and the Code of Conduct of RC activities apply to all adults serving in ECYD and all the safe-environment requirements and guidelines of the given diocese need to be followed and respected. Note: Contact with any minor via social media, text, email, or phone must be approved in writing by the parents signing the standard RC Activities, Inc. minor permission forms and choosing their preferred contact option. This applies only to 15-year-olds and up, as contact with those under 15 is only permitted directly through the parents.

Administrative Basic Principles & Accounting Practices for an ECYD Section

  1. ECYD Sections in the United States are run under RC Activities, Inc. – 501(c)3 and therefore all of the administrative and accounting policies and procedures of said corporation apply.

  2. Each ECYD Director is responsible for the administration/finances of their ECYD Section (Cf. ECYD Statutes #44).

  3. Each ECYD Director submits an annual budget to the RC local director according to the dates indicated by the local director.

  4. The funds of ECYD are restricted to the mission and ends of ECYD and are not to be used for LC or CRC community needs or other needs that don’t fall under this mission and end. When an ECYD section uses the space of a community for the use of ECYD missionaries, a written memo of understanding between the ECYD section and the community needs to be established with the agreement on what will be paid for room and board or other expenses.

  5. Each entity operating under RC Activities, Inc. needs to use QuickBooks as its accounting tool – if a section is not currently using this, please contact the RC Federation Administration office to help you set it up.

  6. The books need to be reconciled by the 10th of each month (for the prior month).

  7. Monthly Standard P&L and balance sheet report should be run, printed, signed off by the ECYD director, and kept on file after reconciliation each month.

  8. Quarterly financial reports should be run and sent to the ECYD director for review and then to the RC local director.

  9. The Federation and each one of its entities within (sections, works of apostolate, programs, etc.) are working to be self-sustaining. (Cf. #96, 98, and 99 of the Statutes of the Regnum Christi Federation). The goal is that an ECYD Section is self-sustaining. Each locality can determine if the ECYD Director and their leadership teams are volunteer or stipend positions and determine the remuneration accordingly. Remuneration for any position follows the policy of the territory.

  10. The three primary ways to receive revenue in an ECYD Section are via its operations (activities, fees, etc.), via fundraising, and by being subsidized by the RC locality. The flow of money should follow the correct channels and be properly documented. If a locality or adult section is subsidizing ECYD, the full amount of the subsidy should be transferred to ECYD rather than having the locality or section pay the expenses on behalf of ECYD. This policy is a good business practice as it provides the locality with a clear picture of the full cost of operating the ECYD Section

Basic Principles for Fundraising/Development of an ECYD Section

  1. ECYD Directors and their teams can fundraise on behalf of ECYD and its programs.

  2. Since ECYD is part of the greater RC family in a given location, fundraising initiatives should be coordinated with the RC local director and other RC entities in a given locality (e.g. Consecrated communities, LC communities, schools, retreat centers, etc.) and applying the donor-centric model.

  3. Each ECYD Director works to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities and transparency in the use of donations according to their given purpose.

  4. If some type of conflict regarding fundraising, benefactors, and donations arises, the ECYD Director informs the RC local director and works to resolve the conflict as needed.
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The Regnum Christi Mission

The Regnum Christi Identity

Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!