Regnum Christi


Making Men Moral: Lumen Institute Brings a Catholic Voice to the Business World

How do we, as Catholic leaders, respond to the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic? This was the question on the hearts and minds of over seventy-five of America’s top executives as they met recently for an impromptu video conference to discuss their role in meeting the needs of their communities during this time of mounting concern and uncertainty. As members of Lumen Institute, these CEOs, CFOs, and partners in major banking, accounting, and legal firms discussed how they could—and should – as leaders in their fields, respond to this current national and global crisis in an effective way, one that reflects their confidence and faith in God and the Gospel.

This has always been the mission of Lumen Institute: to provide a much-needed faith-based perspective in the increasingly secular business world. Founded in 2005 in the heart of Manhattan by business leaders – some of whom are Regnum Christi members – and Legionary priests, Lumen continues to expand throughout the major cities in the United States, inviting its members and their families to be salt of the earth and light of the world in their homes, their professions, and their communities. 

For the past four years, Father Mark Haydu, LC, has held the position of national chaplain for Lumen Institute. In this role, he is busy creating study materials, providing one-on-one support, encouraging other Lumen chaplains throughout the country, and spiritually guiding the organization as a whole. Father Mark is well-suited for this role: in his master’s studies in Rome, his thesis work titled “Making Men Moral” focused on how leadership, and specifically political leaders, can influence the morality of the population, and how leaders have a specific capacity – and responsibility – to shape culture. “I tried to pay particular attention to how ethics and morals intersect with business and politics,” says Father Mark, “There were a lot of crossovers with what a business leader needs to do in setting a culture and moral compass for their business.”

Of all his various duties, from formation to administration, it’s the one-on-one mentoring that Father Mark enjoys the most. Lumen offers regular spiritual coaching to its members and their families as a way to help them grow in faith, virtue, and character, and to then transmit this to their work and communities. It is through this personal dialogue that Father Mark has the privilege of experiencing a profound openness to and hunger for Christ in the men he serves; in witnessing their deep and candid desire for Christ, “you can’t help but love serving them,” he says of the men he coaches.

Besides offering a speaker series, pilgrimages and retreats, and opportunities for service and fellowship, one of the most important elements of the Lumen organization is the Lumen circle. These gatherings, which occur in a small group setting, provide a space for members to examine current leadership challenges through the lens of ethics, virtue, and the life of Christ in the Gospel. In a society that is rich in technological connection, but often lacks real human relationship, Lumen circles provide a much-needed source of support and faith-based fellowship. “We meet the need of personal accompaniment to men who often have lots of acquaintances, but perhaps few moral leaders who can help them in what is most important – their faith and relationships,” explains Father Mark. “Lumen gives them a solid group of faith-based peers who can support them and challenge them in what we call a ‘veritas’ relationship.”

It is through these Lumen circles that Father Mark can most clearly see God’s work moving through the lives of the people he serves. “The Lumen circles really show God’s action: the conversations, the resolutions, and actions they take away from the meetings all show how God is consoling and challenging each of them.”

Lumen provides the space and opportunity for the Legionaries of Christ and the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi – who support the wives and families of Lumen members – to serve those members of the lay community who are living and working in a professional climate that often reflects more of the world than the Gospel. Here, the Legionary priests and consecrated women help the Lumen members, and their entire families, live in the joy of Christ, and to bring this joy to their work and the world.

For more information about Lumen Institute, or to learn about their upcoming events, visit their website at You can watch short videos on some of the core values of Lumen Institute, presented by Father Mark, at

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Father Son Ski Camp Inspires in the Upper Midwest 

Fr. Chad Everts, LC, ran a Ski Camp at Oaklawn Academy in Edgerton, Wisconsin over the President’s Day weekend. 19 boys and 6 dads from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois participated 

Andrew was one of the young men who was at the camp. He liked how Legionaries help teens like him and noted, “I really enjoyed being able to be with the Legionaries.” This time, as he was one of the older boys at 14, he was a team leader. He explained that experience, “I got a sense that I had a responsibility to help other guys. I thought it was cool to help others rather than just being helped myself.” 

Andrew’s Dad, Mark, concurred with the experience of being with Legionaries. Mark drove his son, 8 other boys and another dad in a 12-passanger van 5 hours from the Minneapolis-St. Paul area to the camp. He feels that Legionaries help young men become better people. He commented, “It’s important to have our boys be able to spend some time with the legionary fathers and brothers. It helps them step it up and be ECYD, be men for Christ.” 

Mark has been involved in Conquest and ECYD for almost 20 years, since his oldest son was in third grade. He used to run a club with John Scherber, the dad of Fr. Jerek Scherber, LC, who was just ordained a priest. You can read Fr. Jerek’s vocation testimony here. 

Mark didn’t just enjoy time with the Legionaries, he also noted how he loved the structure of the camp and the time with his son. He continued, “For me, going on these weekends is an opportunity to spend time with Legionaries and with my son. Both strengthen me. The talks are as valuable for me as they are for the boys. When I share that with my son, it shows him that our faith is important.” 

Fr. Chad Everts, LC was recently relocated back to the United States after 24 years in Europe, 17 of those working with ECYD in France. He explained that in France they have more week-long camps but less weekly activities.  

Mark also noted how having a Legionary with international experience helps, “When Fr. Chad shared his stories from France, it helped the boys see that this is worldwide, that this is bigger than just what we’re doing this weekend. This isn’t only something we’re doing here in Wisconsin this weekend.” 

This retreat February 15-18, 2019 had a schedule of sports, virtue talksprayer and fun for the boys. On Presidents’ Day, the holiday Monday, they went skiing: they had the option to also go Saturday but they decided that more formation time was better. 

Fr. Chad’s theme this time was just “ECYD” as many of them didn’t know much about what ECYD is,  beyond the Conquest clubs that some of the boys are involved with. He said, “I really wanted them to discover ECYD.”  

This is one of the many ECYD camps for young people around the country. Information about most weekend camps are available on your local Regnum Christi or ECYD website, while summer camps for boys (Conquest) and girls (Challenge) are on their websites.  

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Helping Others Build the Kingdom – Antonio Maza

Antonio Maza is a Regnum Christi Lay Consecrated Man working at Divine Mercy University. He spoke to us about his life and the vocation of the Lay Consecrated Man. This is the first in a series on the vocations of the four branches of Regnum Christi in honor of national vocation awareness week. 

Antonio, you’ve been a Consecrated Man for a while. Can you give us a little about your family background? 

I grew up in Mexico City and attended an all-boys Regnum Christi School on the south side of the city, starting in first grade and all the way through high school. My parents are both devout Catholics who participated in various lay apostolates, both as young adults and as a married couple. They both encountered Regnum Christi during my years in high school. 

My siblings and I were encouraged to participate in youth-groups at our parish and to practice corporal works of mercy through our middle school and high school years. This experience of the apostolate prepared me to encounter Christ in later years and to see God’s providential hand in my life. 

What led you to enter consecrated life in Regnum Christi?  

God placed in my heart a strong inclination to help others at an early age. I remember working some Sundays as a volunteer at a local orphanage. Later on, this inclination was transformed, through the tragic death of a friend, into a desire to become a physician. But, during my last year of high school, God changed my plans and helped me see that people need Christ more than they need a physician. An encounter with a holy woman during a mission trip and the testimony of joyful fidelity of lay RC members, Lay Consecrated Men and Consecrated Women, helped me hear the call of God to the consecrated life in Regnum Christi. 

A visit to the house of the Lay Consecrated Men in Mexico City was the beginning of a 23-year journey of discernment and discovery of the presence of God in my life. On that day, a conversation with a Legionary of Christ helped me to see the Church’s need for consecrated lay apostles who can work side by side with other lay people, helping them to transform our world into a place of encounter with God. 

What were the stages of formation in the consecrated life for you? 

After an initial year of formation with the Consecrated Men in Mexico City, I spent four years of university studies at the University of Dallas. Years after, I had the opportunity to do another year of philosophy and theology studies with the Lay Consecrated Men, and a Master’s in Business Administration.  

As part of this gradual process of human and spiritual formation, I took my Final Vows at the end of the summer of 1997.  

What is your current ministry? What ministries have you done? 

I currently work as Vice President for Finance and Operations of Divine Mercy University in Arlington, Virginia. My mission is to support the growth of the university from an administrative and operational perspective, working side by side with other lay members of Regnum Christi, Consecrated Women and Legionaries who are also part of this institution. 

During these years, I’ve had the opportunity to serve in the Territorial Administration for the territories of Italy and Central Europe from 2000 to 2002 and the territory of North America from 2006 to 2008. 

Another very deep and gratifying experience of these years as a Consecrated Man was swork with Mayan Communities in the RC Mission’s Territory in the Yucatan Peninsula.  

Click here to find out more about the Regnum Christi Lay Consecrated Men. 

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Eustace Mita and Reflections on the Gospel 

Did you ever meet someone who wanted to be Job?

You remember Job. He was that prosperous man in the Old Testament known for his unshakable faith in God. Satan bet God that given enough hardship, the faithful Job would lose his faith.

So God let Satan visit upon Job all manner of suffering, from poverty to illness to loss of family. Job ended up with just his faith. And because he kept his faith, everything he lost was restored and more. God won the bet. (You knew he would.)

Eustace Mita has lived a modern version of Job’s experience.  Though he wasn’t the subject of a wager between Heaven and Hell, God did hear his prayer. And Eustace may be a prime example of the power of prayer – and why you should never ask for something in prayer you aren’t prepared to accept.

Like Job, Eustace experienced success and prosperity, accompanied by a strong faith. He grew up in a Philadelphia suburb and attended St. Mathias Grade School, Archbishop John Carroll High School, and Drexel University.

After college, he ran a small business in Dallas for a couple years, then returned to Philadelphia to work for Chilton, the big automotive publisher.

But, he always wanted to be an auto dealer, so his next career stop was working for the dealer he admired most: Roger Penske. After three years learning the ropes, he struck out on his own and started Mita Leasing. He joined forces with his uncle (who had pioneered personal auto leasing) and built a highly successful business, Half a Car.

In 2000 he and his uncle sold the automotive training and management company, Half a Car, to Reynolds & Reynolds, a Fortune 500 company. Then his interests shifted more to real estate and hotels.  Life was good.

Eustace was the middle child in a family of five children.  He and his wife had five children who over time have produced 14 grandchildren.

In 2000 at a family gathering, he met Br. John Connor, LC, who would later be ordained to the priesthood and today is the North American Territorial Director for the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christ. That meeting would pave the way for Eustace to handle his experience wearing Job’s shoes.

“I was a serious practicing Catholic, a daily communicant,” Eustace recalled. “But a couple questions from Fr. John showed me I had many more things to learn.”

Fr. John asked Eustace if he had a spiritual director. Eustace replied that not only didn’t he have one, but he had no idea what one was. Fr. John volunteered for the job and Eustace invited him in.

Fr. John’s next question was about what apostolate Eustace was working on.  Of course, Eustace again admitted he didn’t know what an apostolate is. (As anyone who knows Fr. John – or most any Legionary, for that matter – knows where such an answer can lead your path.)

“I think you should start a gospel reflection group for businessmen like you,” Fr. John advised. And so he did, with suggestions from Fr. John about how to organize it, the format, and how to go about inviting others to participate.

Eustace had been involved in a Bible study group before and had found it a bit frustrating. This was different.  It wasn’t about interpreting the Bible, but reflecting on God’s word and sharing how it related to our individual lives. It started as an occasional meeting, then became weekly, then grew – a lot.

From one small group it has expanded to more than 100 groups with 1,000 men participating across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland.  The little group in his office now has 50 members who gather weekly in person – and many more who join by phone from as far away as California and Europe.

Eustace was successful in business. But as his role as Job unfolded, it was the experience of the gospel reflection group, the strength in his faith, that sustained him.

His Job moment because, surprisingly, during an hour of adoration in 2007.  Eustace is a firm believer in making annual goals in four areas of his life: financial, relational, health, spiritual. He had decided to focus on humility as his spiritual goal for the next year and in adoration asked God to guide him.

He sensed God’s response clearly and directly: “Are you sure, Eustace? I will do this, but it will be painful.”

Eustace prayed in response that he was sure and only asked God to guide him through whatever happened. And a lot happened.

For many businesses and investors, 2008 was a disaster.  It was, in human terms, a year of disasters for Eustace.  A son was diagnosed with brain cancer. A daughter was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. His business interests tanked and he lost two-thirds of his net worth. He really did feel like Job.

But like Job, he kept his faith. He never asked “why me, God?” He simply prayed to God for His guidance. And business got better and incurable illnesses were survived.

Today, the gospel reflection groups continue to grow.  Eustace has a guidebook and materials – Gospel Reflection in a Box – for men starting a group.  He says he has made all the organizational mistakes so others don’t have to.

“We live in a wounded world,” Eustace says. “Men are coming to the groups because they are hurting.  Then they are filled by the faith, and the healing begins.”

He recalls one man who was devastated after losing his son.  Eustace invited him to the group, but he wasn’t interested. So Eustace gave the man a book he thought would be comforting. Eventually, he read the book, starting coming to a group and now is a group leader. And a living example of faith in our Lord.

“Guys have worked through and been healed from all sorts of addictions,” according to Eustace. “Every week something great happens – the Holy Spirit is really in this room and working.”

Eustace says there are difficult times in life, but the struggle has made him a better husband, father, and grandfather. He maintains his own “spiritual armor” signified by the acronym “ARM” – Adoration, Rosary, Mass.

And while the gospel reflection groups play a key role in the lives of many men, they also formed the basis for a much larger event launched first in 2002 by Eustace and friends: Man Up Philly.

Man Up Philly is a once-per-year conference focused on men to energize and enable men to be better sons, fathers, and husbands, by living their faith and leading their families by example. It is a day filled with inspirational speakers that over the years has included athletes like Mike Piazza, Rich Gannon, Phil Martelli, Fran Dunphy and other notables like Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and Camden police chief J. Scott Thomson, who are constantly working to bring their faith into their everyday lives.

Man Up Philly has become a major annual event. And it appears to be contagious (yes, Eustace and friends have created May Up in a Box) and is being planned for New Jersey and New York.

For Eustace Mita, the gospel reflection group, combined with his regular practice of the faith, an annual retreat (led by a Legionary), and the grace of God have brought a good life, gratitude, and (like Job) humility.

Maybe more men should be asking to be like Job.

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Authenticity: Men of Character in a Culture of Personality 

Men have a choice to make, challenges Fr. Brett Taira, LC, either to pursue a personality that is admired by others, or to be authentic, regardless of whether no one is watching them or they are in the spotlight.

Fr. Brett quotes St. James as he gives advice to what he calls  “a double minded man,” one who sees himself in the mirror and forgets what he looks like.  “The person you see in the mirror when you get up in the morning, the man you alone see, that is your man of character. Then you put on your tie, walk out the door and become the man of personality.  And there is a problem if the man you see in the mirror and the man who walks out the door are not the same.”

Listen to the podcast of his talk originally given to the Regnum Christi men of Chicago and learn how you can be authentic and unashamed of being your true self, the man of character, the new man in Christ.





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Meet the Regular Catholic Guy

These men may live next door or work in the next office. They pass you in their cars, walk by you on a busy sidewalk and might be a close friend or relative.

They are doctors, lawyers, accountants, bus drivers, truckers, teachers, musicians, farmers, construction workers and even the idle rich. They come in every shape, size, and ethnic background.

Many are Catholics or former Catholics. Some may sit in the pews around you at Mass on Sunday. They are likely the guys checking their watches to see how much longer the service will last.

They are the men who are ready to meet “The Regular Catholic Guy.”

Jeff Garrett used to be one of those guys. He was a cradle Catholic who didn’t know much about his faith. But being involved in Regnum Christi for the past 19 years turned him into a Regular Catholic Guy and motivated him to found The Regular Catholic Guy, a website/podcast/blog/resource for guys like he once was.

“This was one of those things that came to me in prayer,” Jeff said. “I think the seed was planted at the Convocation for Catholic Leaders last July. I kept putting it off and putting it off. I’d do a little, then I’d put it off. And I did a little more and finally launched it on June 9, 2018 on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

Jeff explained that all three aspects of Regnum Christi are vital: spirituality, communion, and mission. “Mission is key because being a Regnum Christi member isn’t just about personal formation – it is putting that formation into a mission, which is what this podcast and its related elements are all about.”

The five dimensions of RC are vital. These are spiritual life, formation, apostolate, personal accompaniment, and team life. Apostolate and mission are the two keys.

“I want to reach out to the guy sitting in the pew who really doesn’t know much about his faith – he may not even understand much about what is going on,” Jeff continued. “He might have grown up in the Catholic faith but didn’t get much real formation. He might be going to Mass for his wife’s sake, to be a good example for the kids or he might be one of those guys who just shows up at Christmas and Easter.

“He might even be someone who left the church. He could be your neighbor, brother, brother-in-law or father-in-law. I hope someone will share the podcast with guys like this and it will start them on the path to learning more about their faith.”

Catholic websites and blogs abound. Does the world really need another? Jeff thinks it does and explains why The Regular Catholic Guy is different:

“There is a lot available on the web, but most is for guys who are already into their faith and want answers about interpretations. There isn’t much for the person just starting out. The guys I have in mind have really basic questions: How do I pray…what do you mean the Eucharist is real…What is the point of confession? What I’m doing isn’t a theological treatise – it is for the entry-level Catholic.”

Regular Catholic GuyAnd as a Regular Catholic Guy, Jeff has the prudence to draw on the expertise of a chaplain, Fr. Mark McKercher, a Catholic priest in the diocese of Omaha, Nebraska. He is a frequent guest on the podcast.

You can ask a question by clicking on Ask Fr. Mark on the website. He will answer them on the show. The button is in the lower right corner of the site. And Jeff means literally ask a question because they record what you want to know and Fr. Mark answers it in an upcoming podcast.


Upcoming podcast topics include:

  • How to pray
  • Parenting
  • How to go to Mass with small children
  • Pornography and its impact
  • Protecting kids on social media
  • Understanding the Mass (a series)

“We’re also going to cover some fun, guy topics like cooking on the grill and sports,” Jeff explained. “We’re blessed to have a Regular Catholic Guy Priest in Fr. Mark who enjoys a Budweiser and baseball.”

As visitors to the Regular Catholic Guy website will quickly learn, Jeff has a full suite of social meeting.  And on Facebook you may recognize some familiar contributors: Fr. Michael Sliney, LC, and Fr. Daniel Brandenburg, LC.

Although the podcast is in its infancy, there already are several podcasts for you to catch up on.  Jeff plans to have a new show weekly – and a written blog a couple times a month. More than 150 podcasts have been downloaded by listeners and the initial Instagram post has over 1,000 likes.

Jeff says he is encouraged – and hopes the site will bring men to a better understanding of their faith.

Jeff’s Story:

Regular Catholic Guy

“I grew up as a ‘cradle Catholic.’ I went to public schools and attended CCD like many of you. I did not get much out of CCD and went as I got older only because there were girls there.

In college I left the faith and went on a self-discovery. Most of the professors were atheist or agnostic at best. So I waded through these and thought that agnostic was better than an atheist because I did believe there was a God. I was a “Chreaster” meaning I went to church at Christmas and Easter, when I was at home on break.

I started attending mass again when I met my wife. Funny how this works for men. We floated between parishes trying to find one that had a school because we wanted to send the kids to Catholic schools. She had gone to Catholic schools through high school.

We have four children. We have two boys and two girls. We had girl, boy, girl, boy just as we planned it (just kidding). Well when my oldest daughter got to be about four she started asking inquisitive questions about the faith. They were good questions and I could not answer them. So I decided I better learn about the faith so I could answer a four year old’s questions. I studied books, listened to tapes and CDs. I learned about apologetics and got to the point that I could facilitate classes in it. Now I want to help men like you become men who know their faith. I have learned that the more men know about the Catholic faith, the more they come to appreciate its beauty and how much it makes sense yet at the same time remains a mystery.”

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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!