June 13, 2022
To all members of Regnum Christi
Legionaries, Consecrated Women, Lay Consecrated Men, and lay members
Dear friends in Christ,
With just a few days remaining before the beginning of the novena in preparation for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, we want to share a new essay with you entitled The Encounter With Christ in the Life of Regnum Christi: Identity, Foundation, and Dynamics.
It is very providential that it is published at this time in which we contemplate the Heart of Jesus in a special way. As you know, the Encounter with Christ is a privileged means of making an apostolic discernment of reality. And discernment is an intuition of the converted heart of the believer, who assimilates the mind and feelings of Jesus, and learns to discover the salvific signs of the present time.
We would like to invite all members of Regnum Christi to renew their understanding of the profound meaning of the Encounter with Christ, and to live it in their teams or in their communities. Through it, we as a community listen to the Word that illuminates the different events of life and allows us to discover the presence and action of God in our hearts and in our own concrete circumstances, and respond to his call.
During the Encounter with Christ the Holy Spirit is present to inspire and encourage the apostolic mission in the hearts of Regnum Christi members. We hope that this essay will help us to renew this activity that so clearly belongs to our spiritual family so we can better respond to the invitation to live according to the Heart of Christ.
The concluding document of the Fifth General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate reminds us that “seeing, judging, and acting” is a school for learning to read the world and to place ourselves in it as apostles of the Kingdom.
“This method entails viewing God with the eyes of faith through his revealed word and life-giving contact with the sacraments, so that in everyday life we may see the reality around us in the light of his providence, judge it according to Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life, and act from the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ and universal Sacrament of salvation, in spreading the kingdom of God, which is sown on this earth and fully bears fruit in Heaven. Many voices from the entire continent, offered contributions and suggestions along these lines, stating that this method has been helpful for living our calling and mission in the church with more dedication and intensity. It has enriched theological and pastoral work and in general it has been helpful in motivating us to take on our responsibilities toward the actual situations in our continent. This method enables us to combine systematically, a faithful perspective for viewing reality; incorporating criterions from faith and reason for discerning and appraising it critically; and accordingly acting as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.” (Concluding Document,19).
In this spirit we unite ourselves to the whole Church on her synodal journey and we walk it together, as a community of apostles who want to listen and discern the paths along which the Lord leads us, with renewed enthusiasm to go out to meet people and bring the love of Christ to them where they need him most, in a more fruitful way.
You can find the novena at this link, and the essay at this link. Let us pray much for each other, that we may know the Heart of Jesus more intimately and give our lives day-by-day so that many people may love and comfort him with their holy lives.
With a special remembrance in our prayers,