Blanca Tudela was consecrated within Regnum Christi on August 31, 2024, in Barcelona, making her first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. We spoke with her, and she shared how the Lord is asking her to “continue to listen” to whatever he wants to invite her to embrace, “with simplicity and availability.
How would you sum up your experience as a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi?
From the moment I made my vows I felt a strong awareness of union with God and of knowing that I was to be his Consecrated Woman. It was a very real experience that he is God and lives in me, and through that union he invites me to give myself to others.
Now, what is the Lord inviting you to do?
The Lord is now inviting me to continue my formation as a Consecrated Woman in temporary vows, living in a community with other Consecrated Women in initial stages and studying theology. Living this concrete reality of continuing to listen to what Jesus, my Good Shepherd wants, I hear him inviting me to embrace this new stage with simplicity and availability.
What is the role of the consecrated life of Regnum Christi within the Church?
It is something I admire. I discover the beauty of our vocation in each person – from who she is, in her unique and personal way, giving herself to the Church and serving her in the midst of the world. So I think that inspired by the Holy Spirit and wherever we are planted, we should allow him to be incarnated in us as his light, responding with our lives to the thirst for God that we see in today’s world.