Q: What are the “things above” in Colossians 3:2 that we are to set our minds on, and what does it mean practically to set our minds on them? Does this just mean to keep Jesus always in the forefront of our thoughts? Thank you! — Sally
Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC A: A full answer to your question could fill and has filled whole bookshelves. Perhaps a few ideas will help. One way to think of the “things above” is that it is shorthand for thinking of God and the things that will give him glory and help others. St. Paul urges us to see our lives from God’s perspective. That means that you want to be aware of your dignity as a daughter of God. He loves you dearly and hopes that you will be with him forever in heaven. In a word, he wants you to become a saint. With that in mind, you should start to see daily life differently. You make prayer and the sacraments a priority. You try to help your family and your neighbors. You try to see others as sons and daughters of God, too. You also try to see yourself, not as other people do, but as Christ does. He knows your heart and mind. He isn’t fooled by appearances. Keeping Christ front and center also helps you deal with the difficulties of life. You learn to unite your suffering with those of Jesus on the cross. You don’t get too caught up with the latest fads or apps or movies or whatever. All these things are passing and will be in the dustbin of history sooner than later. You learn to ask the famous question of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Quid hoc ad aeternitatem? What is this in the light of eternity? What matters in the light of eternity? God. Your dignity – and how you spent your life giving him glory. If you cultivate thinking of life from this perspective, you cultivate hope. You can also toughen yourself against the vagaries of the world. At the end of life, the only things that matter are what we did for God and for others. Everything else will vanish like smoke. This is a short answer, but one that I hope is helpful. Count on my prayers. Keep learning more with Ask a Priest
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