February 1, 2024

Announcement of All Delegates to the 2024 General Convention

From April 29 to May 4, the first Ordinary General Convention of the Regnum Christi Federation will be held in Rome , an event that will bring together delegates representing all the vocations that make up this spiritual family and apostolic body.


The purpose of the General Convention is to discern together God’s will for Regnum Christi in the next six years, based on the reality of the world to which we are sent and the charism we have received.


To prepare for this meeting, a path of apostolic discernment is being followed. It began with the involvement of the greatest possible number of members of Regnum Christi, through discussions in the Encounters with Christ, which are one of the means of seeing reality with the perspective of apostles of the Kingdom.


The process is based on three key elements: walking together, discerning, and being apostles.


  1. Walking together means rising, listening to God’s call to make His Kingdom present, and maturing responses together.
  2. Discernment involves reading reality, listening to the voice of God in events, in people, and in one’s own heart, and seeing, judging, and acting from the gift of charism.
  3. Being an apostle means living with renewed awareness that it is Jesus Christ who sends us out and that our mission to make the Kingdom present is a participation in his own mission.

The questions that will guide the General Convention on this path of apostolic discernment are:


  1. How do we see the world that God sends us out into today and how are we called to live?
  2. What is God calling us to in the next 6 years?
  3. How can we respond as a spiritual family and apostolic body?

The General Convention will be a space for listening to each other and the Holy Spirit, to walk together and each one according to his or her vocation, and to display the charisma and concrete experience of our mission in today’s world.


In a letter dated January 29th, 2024, the General Directive College shared the following list of participants of the General Convention, and invited all members of Regnum Christi to join in prayer so that this time will be an opportunity to look together at the world and give renewed impetus to the mission we share as apostles of the Kingdom, from the Heart of Christ and our charism.


Ex-officio Delegates

The general directors of the federated institutions:


  • John Connor, L.C.
  • Nancy Nohrden
  • Felix Gomez Rueda

The Vicar General and another general counselor of the Legionaries of Christ, the Consecrated Women and the Lay Consecrated Men:


  • Hernán Jiménez, LC
  • Rafael Ducci, LC
  • Elena Bartolome
  • Viviana Limón
  • Cristian Nazer
  • Bernardo Perez

The lay members of the General Plenary Council:


  • Francisco Gamez (Venezuela)
  • Alvaro Abellan (Spain)
  • José Antonio Lebrija (Mexico and Central America)
  • Carmen Fernandez (Spain)
  • Kerrie Rivard (North America)
  • David Zarate (Northern Mexico)

The general administrator of the Federation: Fr. Luis Manuel Gutiérrez, LC


The general secretary of the Federation: Gina Chávez

The territorial directors of the Legionaries of Christ, the Consecrated Women, and the Lay Consecrated Men:


  • Alberto Simán, LC (Mexico and Central America)
  • Carlos Gutiérrez, LC (Northern Mexico)
  • Carlos Ortíz, LC (Col-Ven-Ecuador)
  • André Delvaux, LC (Brazil)
  • Gabriel Bárcena, LC (Chile-Arg)
  • Shawn Aaron, LC (North America)
  • Valentin Gögele, LC (Central and Western Europe)
  • Savio Zanetta, LC (Italy)
  • Francisco Javier Cereceda, LC (Spain)
  • Kathleen Murphy (North America)
  • Mónica Aguirre (Northern Mexico)
  • Lorenza Sanromán (Mexico and Central America)
  • Gabriela Garza (Col-Ven)
  • Bernardita García (Chile)
  • Kate O’Connor (Brazil)
  • Beatriz Rivera (Spain)
  • Mariana Ibañez (Central and Western Europe)

Elected Delegates

Legionaries of Christ

  • Cleomar Ferronato, LC (Brazil)
  • Jesús Osvaldo Verdín Pérez, LC (Brazil)
  • David Daly, LC (Rome Delegation)
  • Andreas Schöggl, LC (Rome Delegation)
  • Ignacio Sarre, LC (Rome Delegation)
  • Gabriel Ramón Sotres, LC (Rome Delegation)
  • Juan Carlos Quintero, LC (Col-Ven-Ecuador)
  • César Pérez, LC (Col-Ven-Ecuador)
  • Francisco Javier Caballero, LC (Chile-Arg)
  • Florencio Sánchez, LC (Spain)
  • Manuel Salord, LC (Spain)
  • Sylvester Heereman, LC (Central and Western Europe)
  • George Elsbett, LC (Central and Western Europe)
  • Miguel Cavallé, LC (Italy)
  • Riccardo Garzari, LC (Italy)
  • Pablo Solís, LC (Mexico and Central America)
  • Luis Garza, LC (Mexico and Central America)
  • Eduardo Robles-Gil, LC (Mexico and Central America)
  • José María Martínez, LC (Mexico and Central America)
  • Evaristo Sada, LC (Mexico and Central America)
  • Adolfo Güémez, LC (Northern Mexico)
  • Gabriel Abascal, LC (Northern Mexico)
  • Miguel Viso, LC (Northern Mexico)
  • Julio Muñoz, LC (Northern Mexico)
  • John Bartunek, LC (North America)
  • Lino Otero, LC (North America)
  • Juan Pablo Durán, LC (North America)
  • Bruce Wren, LC (North America)

Consecrated Women

  • Eva Ma. Leal García (Brazil)
  • Elena Olazábal Magdalena (Chile)
  • Irene Alemany Herrera (Col-Ven)
  • Cecilia Ruiloba Castelazo (Spain)
  • Esther García Zaldívar (Spain)
  • Amelie Marie Laurence Perroy (Europe)
  • Perla González de la Fuente (Mexico)
  • Teresa Vázquez Rivera (Mexico)
  • Margarita López Romo (Northern Mexico)
  • Carmen Ramírez Gómez (Northern Mexico)
  • Maria Jean Knuth (North America)
  • Helen Rose Yalbir (North America)
  • María del Carmen Ávila (Headquarters and delegation of the DG CRC)

Lay Consecrated Men

  • Emilio Martínez (toto orbe terrarum)

Lay Members

  • Paloma Domínguez Carrasco (Spain)
  • Rafael Sáenz from Santa María Pombo (Spain)
  • Atala Alba Barba (Northern Mexico)
  • Zacarías Dieck Vega (Northern Mexico)
  • Andrés Villaseñor Urrea (Northern Mexico)
  • Daniela Boech Santos (Northern Mexico)
  • Emilio Allande Berrueta (Northern Mexico)
  • Alejandro Álvarez López (Northern Mexico)
  • Álvaro Carranque (Col-Ven-Ecuador)
  • Cristina Regueira (Col-Ven-Ecuador)
  • Andrea Heck (Central and Western Europe)
  • Grzegorz Cempla (Central and Western Europe)
  • Andrés Jiménez (Mexico and Central America)
  • Ana María Bravo de Simán (Mexico and Central America)
  • Ana Paul O’Neill García (Mexico and Central America)
  • Enrique Pérez Ocejo (Mexico and Central America)
  • Guillermo Narro (Mexico and Central America)
  • Juan Andrés Lam (Mexico and Central America)
  • Patricia Delfín (Mexico and Central America)
  • Teresa Alarcón (Mexico and Central America)
  • Maria Fioretta Bini Smaghi (Italy)
  • Donna Garrett (North America)
  • Andrew Rawicki (North America)
  • Cathie Zentner (North America)
  • Horacio Gómez (North America)
  • Anthony Frese (North America)
  • Monica Etchebarne (Chile-Arg)
  • Lucas Swett Hederra (Chile-Arg)
  • Pedro Kropf (Brazil)
  • Jerusa Slomp (Brazil)

Non-voting Participants

The general councilors of the Legionaries of Christ, the Consecrated Women and the Lay Consecrated Men who do not participate ex-officio nor have been elected as delegates, participate in the General Convention with voice but without vote:


  • Michael Brisson, LC
  • Gerardo Flores, LC
  • Jesus Villagrasa, LC
  • Pedro Barrajón, LC
  • Eugenia Alvarez
  • Africa Pemán
  • Jacinta Curran
  • Fernando Rincon
  • Javier Bendek
  • Guillermo Campillo

Representing the diverse realities of Regnum Christi, the following have been invited with voice without vote:


  • José Mata, President of the General Assembly of the International Network of Regnum Christi Universities (RIU)
  • Elena Bustillos, President of the General Assembly of the Regnum Christi Schools Network
  • Pablo Aledo, General Director of Altius Foundation
  • Daniel Bizzo, Lay Consecrated Man in temporary vows


Announcement of All Delegates to the 2024 General Convention Read More »

Regnum Christi Spirituality Center Uncle Eddy

St Henry Morse, S.J.

Dear Hank,

I can understand your discouragement.  But even though it seems right now to be a losing battle, you mustn’t give up.  You mustn’t!  Remember, it’s not your job to change hearts; it’s just your job to bear witness to the truth, in word, deed, and example, in all the circumstances of you life.  And if you do your job, God, in his own way and at his own time, will work through you to move the hearts, even stubborn, anti-Catholic hearts.

So I’ve reminded you of the principle, but you need more than a principle to dissipate your discouragement. Today’s saint can do the job – he shows the principle in dramatic action.

You remember that the 1600’s in England were a rough period for Catholics.  The English Reformation had taken firm root, and it was determined to eradicate Catholicism from the country.  At the same time, a faithful remnant of Catholics was tenaciously clinging to the ancient faith, regardless of merciless and often brutal persecutions.

Henry Morse was born into the volatile atmosphere of this turbulent era.  His parents were Protestants.  They gave him a solid upbringing, including an education in law at Cambridge.  There he studied more than law, however; he also studied his faith.  And he gradually came to recognize that Christ had founded only one Church, and that Church was under the vicariate of the Pope, not the King of England.  So he decided to return to the way Jesus wanted him to live out his faith, and he became a Catholic.

At the same time, he felt called to put his God-given talents at the service of helping his fellow countrymen discover what he had discovered, so he entered the seminary.  No Catholic seminaries were left in England, so he had to travel to France and prepare for ordination at Douai.  He finished his studies in Rome and was ordained there.  Inspired by the sterling example of the Jesuits he met during these years, he asked to join that burgeoning religious order.  He was granted permission to do so once he returned to England, where he longed to go in order to carry out his ministry – even though it meant putting his very life at risk (being a Catholic priest was illegal in England at that time; it was a crime punished as treason).

When he got to England he began a covert ministry in London.  Eventually, he was arrested and imprisoned in York.  It just so happened that he shared his dungeon with another Jesuit priest, Fr John Robinson.  In this marvelously unorthodox way, the three years in prison served as a chance for Henry to do his Jesuit novitiate, under Fr John’s direction.  When he was eventually released in the wake of a general amnesty, therefore, he emerged as a Jesuit.

All priests were thereafter expelled from England, so the future saint went to serve as a chaplain for the English troops serving the King of Spain in Holland.  But his heart was still in England.  As soon as he had the chance, he returned, took a pseudonym, and lived a clandestine ministry that coincided with a horrible plague, during which he ministered to hundreds of Catholics and Protestants in and around London.  When the plague subsided, he was betrayed and once again arrested.  He was tried and found guilty of being a priest.  But the Queen of Spain paid his bail, so he was once again released, which freed him to go to southern England and work to build up the Church there.

Eventually, he obeyed another injunction that banished priests from English soil, left to become chaplain to more English soldiers, and two years later returned again to his beloved England to lead the stray sheep back to the fold.  Arrested again during a sick call, he escaped, only to be apprehended a final time a few months later.  This time there was no escape, and he was hanged, drawn, and quartered for being a priest.

Besides a stunning example of perseverance (getting back into the ring that many times is truly heroic), it shows that hearts can change.  Not only did Henry’s, but so did the hearts of hundreds of Protestants who met him through the years.  You could say that in the end he failed, because all of England didn’t convert.  But would that be a fair assessment?  The next time you feel like a failure, take a second look.

Your loving uncle,


St Henry Morse, S.J. Read More »

February 1, 2024 – Two by Two






Thursday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time


Mark 6:7-13


Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. He said to them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave from there. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” So they went off and preached repentance. The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.


Introductory Prayer: Father, I come before you today hungry for all the graces you desire for me in this meditation. I believe in your goodness. I wish to become more like your Son, Jesus Christ, every day. I want to live a life of self-giving love like Christ. Thank you for your grace.


Petition: Christ Jesus, grant me a spirit of teamwork in spreading your Gospel.


  1. “Where Two or Three Are Gathered…”: Christ sent out his Apostles in pairs. The fact that the Gospel mentions this detail shows that it is not just an accident. There are some passages in Matthew’s Gospel that can shed some light on this desire of Christ. First, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt 18:20). The Apostles are first and foremost called to witness to Christ by their example. They are to foster communion and charity among themselves, so that others, seeing how they interact with each other, will be led to exclaim, “See how they love one another!” The Apostle-teams exhibited oneness of heart and soul, sharing in common what they were able to procure: lodging, success, failure. With such an attitude, Christ promises that he would be there in their midst.


  1. Another Witness: “If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ‘every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses’” (Mt 18:16). The word of one person, who has witnessed a miraculous event alone, is often taken as no more than the word of a crazy man. However, if more than one person confesses to having witnessed the event, there is much stronger proof. The Apostles went about witnessing to the things that Jesus was doing and the signs he was working: healing the sick, casting out demons, etc. It is wonderful to team up with fellow Christians in the workplace or in the family, in order to witness to the work of Christ in our lives.


  1. Apostolic Efficacy: Jesus makes it clear: with regard to the mission, another apostle is much more important than other material tools. Jesus teaches us here the principle of teamwork. An apostolic “colleague” helps us to be vigilant against dangers to our health and well-being (physical and spiritual). Prayer can be in community; Jesus assures that “if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father” (Mt 18:19). Working in a team also helps to improve apostolic efficacy: Each enriches the other with the exchange of knowledge, personal and lived experiences, and views on the situation. Each complements the other, contributing their God-given gifts, abilities and qualities. “Two heads are better than one.”


Conversation with Christ: You sent your Apostles out in twos, Lord Jesus, to teach me about the importance of teamwork. Help me not presume that I am alone in the mission. When I try to do everything myself, sometimes it may be out of subtle pride. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of apostolic colleagues. Increase in my heart true fraternal charity for those who work alongside me in building up your Kingdom, so that the world may believe.


Resolution: I will make it a point to involve an apostolic colleague in my effort to help some friend or family member encounter Christ.


February 1, 2024 – Two by Two Read More »

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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!