Regnum Christi

February 10, 2021

Solid Ideas for a Fluid World: Providing Timeless Answers in a Climate of Constant Change

Is there one truth, or many?

Who, and what, can I trust?

What is the secret of happiness?

These are some of the questions that today’s newest generation of young adults is asking, but for Father Jorge Obregon, LC, the answers are the same as they’ve always been. These tried-and-true answers are the topic of his new book, Solid Ideas for a Fluid World, which attempts to provide a sturdy foundation on which young people can think about, construct, and build up their lives.

For Father Jorge, the book, which was published in Spanish in spring of last year and has just been released in English this month, comes both from his desire to provide young adults with answers that form a sure footing on which to base their lives, as well as his own personal experience. Throughout high school and college, he struggled to find the resources that contained the solid answers that he was seeking. “Outside of Legionary priests, and of course, my mother and father, I didn’t find the solid ideas that would shape my path and would assure me that the decisions I was making and the paths that I was on would lead me to a true and real island of security,” says Father Jorge. “There was no book that would give me enough solidity so that I would know how to live based on philosophical, scientific, and also religious principles.”

Father Jorge believes that this solidity can be found in the wisdom gathered over two thousand years of Judeo-Christian tradition, and from the men and women who have planted seeds of truth throughout the ages. In an era of constant novelty and self-invention, his new book seeks to provide a solid basis for people who ask the most important questions, like why is there something rather than nothing, how can I know truth, and is there someone I can trust? “We know there are thousands and thousands – even millions – of people putting material out there in so many platforms. How can I know which path to follow, and how can I build upon rock, and not the new podcaster, the new YouTuber, the latest trend?” says Father Jorge. “What I’m trying to do is give people perennial ideas that have shaped Western culture, Western civilization, and Christianity.”

Although Father Jorge has received many messages from people who have read and appreciated his book and the clear answers it provides, he was especially moved by one particular reader who recently reached out to him. A young mother who had just lost her child to cancer told him that while she had always had strong feelings for the faith, she hadn’t had a solid foundation on which to base her understanding of the world, and lacked real answers to her deepest questions about life. “She said that the book came at the right time, by God, into her life, because now she’s been able to complement that feeling for God and religious sentiment, and connect that to the mind, and to knowing her faith.”

Working with young adults, Father Jorge is constantly challenged to be entrepreneurial, creative, and innovative in presenting the timeless values and principles of the Church – these days, you’ll find him on social media, particularly Instagram and YouTube, trying to provide balance and solid ground in times that are not always easy to navigate. On March 15th, his team will be launching a new program called Our Voice, a platform to bring groups together for weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly meetings to discuss hot button topics on social issues, leadership, and spirituality. Father Jorge’s hope is that Our Voice will facilitate meaningful conversations, guided by interviews with experts, worksheets, and discussion questions, and will ultimately provide a forum for rational argument, the capacity for which he feels has been lost in recent decades in Western society.

Throughout his many years of working with young adults, Father Jorge has never ceased to be amazed by the beauty and depth of their innermost questions about the tough and complex issues they face today, and he hopes that his new book, and new online program, will help provide the meaningful answers they seek. “In all of this, I hope that grace and nature will come together to return to God the talents he has given me, through different apostolates that will help Regnum Christi, as a movement, serve the world and grow the family.”

Father Jorge is currently serving as the International Director of New Fire and Search, and is the Assistant Chaplain of the Regnum Christi men’s and women’s sections in New York and the tri-state area. You can follow him online on his YouTube channel, or on Instagram @jobregong. You can learn more about his book, Solid Ideas for a Fluid World, on YouTube, or find it on here on Amazon.

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All Things Women: A New Apostolic Platform Inspired by Regnum Christi Team Life

Throughout her more than twenty-five years as a Regnum Christi member, Eileen Wieck has served in a variety of positions, from Section Assistant to Local Director to Spiritual Director, and it is through these roles – and the friendships she made along the way – that her new apostolic initiative, All Things Women, was borne.

Originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Eileen Wieck has been a member of Regnum Christi since she was a teen. As a young woman, Eileen served as the Women’s Section Assistant, travelling across the Western provinces of Canada, and developing strong and lasting relationships with other RC members and the local Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi, through whom she was introduced to her future husband, Vincent. But when she and Vincent married and moved to San Jose, California in 2003, Eileen missed that community of sisterhood and mutual mentorship she had come to expect from Regnum Christi team life.

“The sense of accompaniment and the experience of authentic female friendship is something we in Regnum Christi have grown so accustomed to, but when I came from Canada to [San Jose], it was a struggle at first to find that family spirit. Soon I met a few other women and began building community around myself with girlfriends.”

Over time, the Regnum Christi women of San Jose built a vibrant and close-knit team, sharing in each other’s joys and sorrows. It was this personal experience of female friendship that inspired Eileen to create a brand-new apostolate that would extend that same type of sisterly support to women seeking accompaniment. “The idea for the apostolate really came from my own friendship experience in Regnum Christi team life, and seeing how many women could benefit from the friendship, but also from a deeper knowledge of who they are rooted in Christ,” says Eileen. “When that begins to happen, then an authentic friendship with other women can occur.”

Although the idea for All Things Women was built upon Eileen’s own real-life experience of female friendships, the apostolate also draws inspiration from examples of sisterly friendship embodied in Scripture, particularly Mary, mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. “Looking around at this small cross-section of people in my life who had encountered serious troubles – some losing children, some going through postpartum depression, some struggling with anxiety, some struggling with marital issues, so many different things that we all carry – the idea started to dawn on me of what it must have been like to be in the tribe with Mary and Mary Magdalene, following Jesus around, and how that would have elevated everything about female relationships,” shares Eileen. For this reason, Mary Magdalene was chosen as the apostolate’s patron saint.

With the support of Fr. Brian Shininger, LC (who is the apostolate’s chaplain), her supportive team of lay women, and great mentorship from Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi, Lisa Small and Naoise Johnston, Eileen launched All Things Women in 2020.  Its goal is to help women grow in self discovery and to find their unique identity rooted in Christ. Female accompaniment and sisterly mentorship and spiritual direction are available to help make that happen. “When women believe in one another and don’t fall prey to competition they can elevate each other in phenomenal ways” says Eileen.

Above all, All Things Women is a platform for women to discover their unique identity and share their talents at the service of the Church, through things like writing, broadcasting, public speaking, and peer mentorship. Through creating community and small groups, hosting events like retreats and workshops, and providing coaching and spiritual direction, All Things Women hopes to create opportunities for women to not only be replenished and nourished, but also be supported and equipped to replenish and nourish others through their own unique talents.

However, the backbone of All Things Women, according to Eileen, is spiritual formation. An integral aspect of the apostolate is the Forty Weeks – Sacred Story Program by Father William Watson, SJ; Eileen and Father Brian personally lead two groups through the program each year, as well as mentoring several other group leaders who go on to lead their own teams. From this, Eileen is building a core team of women dedicated to uplifting other women through mentorship and authentic friendship. A total of 11 women’s groups have formed over the past year and a half.

One of the first events that All Things Women hosted was a weekend conference and retreat, held in mid-October of 2020. Although the event was initially intended to be an in-person weekend, complete with wine-tastings and, as Eileen puts it, “all the things we gals here in California love to do to have fun,” COVID-19 restrictions forced them to pivot to an online format. This, however, turned out to not be an obstacle at all, but a blessing: the weekend was a huge success, attracting over fifty participants from across the country who gathered virtually to hear talks on mental and physical health, attend livestream Mass and adoration, share their stories and experiences with each other, and even participate in guided exercise sessions together. Specialty guest speakers were available as well as dynamic local women. Cara Clark from Cara Clark Nutrition was last year’s VIP speaker.

Eileen has big plans for the All Things Women platform. This spring, All Things Women will be hosting an online event for the women who are currently following the Forty Weeks Program, and they are beginning planning for an open annual conference in the fall. Eileen’s longer term goal is to organize a pilgrimage to the city of Magdala in the Holy Land, the homeland of the apostolate’s patron saint. “I’m a big, big, big believer in pilgrimages for everybody,” says Eileen, “so that’s one dream, to take people to Magdala, [which is] a place of real healing for women, and have some of those experiences of healing there. I think those are experiences that God can really use to speak to our hearts.”

Besides being the founder and director of All Things Women, Eileen is currently the Section Director for the San Jose Regnum Christi section, a Team Leader, a Spiritual Director, and has just begun her studies at Divine Mercy University to receive her Spiritual Direction certification, to concretize those skills of accompaniment and guidance that she’s been practicing for the past twenty-five years. Her most important treasure is in her marriage of 18 years and in being mom to 6 beautiful kids. To find out more about the All Things Women platform, follow them on Instagram at @allthingswomen_ or email [email protected].

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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!