Advent is a liturgical season meant to be lived with deep spiritual anticipation. It is a time of year in which the Church invites us to look forward to spiritual gifts with the same kind of eagerness and delight that children feel towards material gifts. But how do we do that? The weeks leading up to Christmas and Epiphany are some of the busiest and most stressful of the year. How can we live them as God wants us to live them? How can we re-learn the childlike art of anticipation and apply it to our grown-up lives? That’s what this Retreat Guide, The Art of Waiting: A Retreat Guide for Advent, will explore.
- In the first meditation, we will learn the art of waiting from two of Advent’s main characters: John the Baptist, and Mary.
- In the second meditation, we will take some time to recall what we are waiting for.
- And in the conference, we will switch gears a bit to look at what God is waiting for as we explore the four phases of Christian growth.