Regnum Christi


“Ask a Priest: What If My Fiancé Mistrusts Me?”

Q: My fiancé thinks I am lying to him and cheating on him. I was reassigned by my employer to another country, and the separation has caused tensions between me and my fiancé. Recently we broke up over the phone, but my heart is bleeding. I have been praying over it again and again, but I need help. The truth is I didn’t do all he is accusing me of, and how can I confess what I didn’t do? I need help because I gave myself entirely to this relationship. This situation is so difficult to accept. – A.B.

Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC

A: I’m sorry to hear about your situation. In some ways, though, it might be a blessing in disguise.

Why do I say that? Because the time of courtship and engagement is when a relationship can be tested.

If your fiancé doesn’t trust you now, that might be a sign that there is something wrong — either with him, with you, or certainly with the relationship.

Since I don’t know how your fiancé thinks, I won’t try to offer any pointed diagnosis. But I would say that his lack of trust is something you need to confront.

If he doesn’t trust you now, how could you be sure that things would change after you are married?

Here, it might be good to ask yourself some questions.

Would you be able to spend your life with a man who doesn’t trust you? Would you be comfortable with him if he questions your loyalty in the future?

You mention that you have given yourself totally to this relationship. Has this been a one-sided arrangement? What might be the reasons for your fiancé’s distrust? Is he insecure? Has the relationship been healthy? Or have problems been overlooked? Sometimes it’s tempting to hope against hope that a relationship is better than it really is.

These questions aren’t meant to get your discouraged. It’s just that you want to be careful before you plunge into marriage. Men tend not to change much after the wedding day. Some do, but most stay pretty much the same way.

The point here is: Don’t expect your man to change radically after marriage. You want to be realistic.

Perhaps this time away from him has allowed the cracks in the relationship to appear. This is healthy, since it is better to discover the cracks now rather than later.

It might be good to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your fiancé and see why he is so distrustful. It would also be good to go through a solid marriage-preparation course. Such a course should push engaged couples to ask themselves questions about a full range of issues, everything from finances to children to attitudes about work and religion.

In the meantime you might want to intensify your prayer life. Stay close to Jesus, the one man you want at the center of any relationship.

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“Ask a Priest: What If I Have Second Thoughts About Marriage?”

Q: I just got engaged to my boyfriend of four years. For much of our relationship I’ve felt confident that we would one day commit our lives to each other before God. My fiancé makes me laugh, we can speak openly and honestly about our faith, and he showers me with attention and affection in the form of compliments and support. I believe he truly loves me and wants to lead me to heaven. He has become my best friend. However, our relationship hasn’t always been easy. In fact, it got off to a rocky start as I was only 19 when I started dating him and my parents were struggling to accept the realities of me growing up. They wanted me to form my own goals and identity before joining myself to another person. That created a lot of conflict between my parents and myself, as well as between myself and my fiancé. Unfortunately, he never felt comfortable at my house. While my parents treated him with respect, he never felt the same joy and excitement that his parents bestowed upon me from my own parents. Fast forward to today: Even though I knew the proposal was coming, when he got down on his knee to ask, I wasn’t overcome with the elation that is so often depicted in films and TV. Rather, I was very anxious. I said yes because I knew that at many points in our relationship my answer was an enthusiastic yes. But in that moment, I was doubtful and scared. As the congratulatory messages started flooding in, I was made more anxious by the fact that everyone was so excited for us, and still I was feeling this concern. I don’t know exactly why I am feeling this way, although here are some thoughts that keep going through my head. Despite our families sharing the same faith, they have different levels of education, different political views, and different hobbies and interests that I don’t know how to reconcile with. His family really want me to take his last name – I feel a strong connection with my last name as it is my tie to the country I had to leave when I was very young. I feel a sense of disappointment coming from my own insecurities, that I should have developed my own life and career before getting married. I feel insecure about our young age. I would really appreciate any guidance. Thank you. – C.

Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC

A: It sounds as though you facing the tough realities of what marriage will mean — and what it doesn’t mean.

You mention that you didn’t have that elation that is depicted in films and TV. That might be healthy. As best you can, you want to forget about Hollywood for the moment. Marriage isn’t about warm, fuzzy feelings. It’s about serious commitment.

Given that there is a range of emotions and relationships in play, and I only have your point of view to go on, I can only offer general advice.

First, tensions with in-laws or future in-laws are not uncommon. When you marry someone, you enter his whole network of family and friends, varied personalities that they are.

Their closeness to you as a couple could vary, of course. You might move to another part of the country or the world eventually, and rarely see them. Or you could end up living on the same block. Be ready for either possibility.

Relations also evolve. There might be tensions today over certain issues. Five years from now the issues might be much different – and bigger.

It’s hard to predict what will happen five years or even five weeks after the wedding day. This is where the core of marriage comes in: Spouses commit themselves to each other for life, no matter what comes along.

Now, you mention the lack of elation and the concerns about marrying at your “young age.”

This is an issue that you will want to deal with now rather than later. Talk with your fiancé honestly about this. You certainly don’t want to enter marriage because of pressure from well-meaning family members (or even a well-meaning fiancé).

Marriage, like any other choice, embraces one path at the expense of another path. Here, you would need to ask yourself what your priorities are.

If establishing a career is worth delaying marriage, could there be other goals down the line that would prompt you to delay marriage even more? Some people get a taste for the work world and then decide to achieve a certain position in a company. Or then they wait to buy “the right house” before tying the knot.

On the other hand, couples who marry young might feel, as you mention, that they missed the opportunity to establish themselves professionally. This view needs to be taken with a grain of salt. For people with family, responsibilities are often motivated to develop their professional skills all the more.

Also, marrying while both spouses are still “building their lives” can give them a chance to intertwine their lives in a beautiful and appropriate way. Marriage is much more than a roommate contract; it is meant to be a sharing of lives together. If you go and “build your life” before you get married, it can often be harder to share that life with your spouse than if you build your lives together from an early age.

There are numerous factors in every case, of course. In any case, you might want to ask yourself how much you are trying to plan the future. Life is full of surprises.

Then, too, you might want to ask another question: How much would you be willing to sacrifice for a spouse and children? Would you sacrifice a career for them?

These are not easy questions. But you might have to answer them sooner or later.

For now, it might be good to intensify your prayer life and sacramental life. Perhaps it would help to find a solid, regular confessor or a spiritual director who can guide you.

In any case, it would be good to resolve these reservations you have before you enter marriage. You owe that much to yourself and to your fiancé and possible future children.

It would be good for the both of you to take this engagement seriously. That means getting formation together on what marriage really is, having meaningful and honest conversations about the challenges of marriage, and staying open to the possibility that during your engagement it is quite possible for you to discover solid reasons (not just cold feet) why you should not marry.

I can recommend our own Three to Get Married retreats for this purpose. But you might also find good marriage preparation opportunities where you live.

You might want to watch together our Retreat Guide on marriage, “Three Hearts.” And two books you might want to read and discuss together are The Last Straw, by Father Michael Ryan, and Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married, by Gary Chapman.

One last suggestion: Think about doing a personal retreat at a good Catholic center. The time you spend in silence and prayer can open a valuable window of opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work in your heart. Count on my prayers.

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“Ask a Priest: What If My Pal Cheats on His Girlfriend?”

Q: I found out that a good friend of mine is cheating on his girlfriend. They have been together for almost four years, and he has cheated on her since the start. He is having an affair with one specific woman all this time. After speaking to him I found out that he has cheated on most of his past girlfriends as well. When I asked him about the cheating, he expressed feeling no remorse or guilt. I am struggling spending time with him and the girlfriend together as it is weighing on my conscience that she is being lied to in this way. They are in a serious stage of their relationship, and I think that they are less than a year away from getting engaged. What he is doing to her is against my values, and I am struggling ethically between being a good friend and keeping his secret or telling his girlfriend what I know. What should I do in this situation? – J.C.

Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC

A: Your concern about the situation is admirable.

It’s not your responsibility, however, to reveal the deceitfulness to the girlfriend. That is a problem your friend needs to deal with.

From what you describe, your friend has a lot of problems. He likely isn’t ready for marriage. If he’s misleading his girlfriend now, he won’t likely be a faithful husband after the wedding day.

You might not be able to change him. But you can control what you do. Two suggestions might be worth considering.

First, as a good friend you might want to talk to him, man to man. Ask him if he thinks having other women on the side, when he is presumably giving his girlfriend the idea that she is his only love interest, is OK. Ask him what he would think if he found out his girlfriend had other guys on the side.

You might encourage him to make a definitive decision: either be dedicated exclusively to her or to end the relationship, for her sake. This isn’t an unreasonable suggestion, given that they are already thinking of engagement.

Second, if he refuses to change his ways, you might consider distancing yourself from him. Frankly, he doesn’t sound like the kind of friend you need.

Already you have a sense that you are somehow complicit in his dishonesty, socializing with him and his girlfriend as though everything is fine. This is not to put the blame on you — the onus is really on your friend for being duplicitous.

If you keep your distance from him, the girlfriend might wonder why you don’t hang out with them anymore. At that point, maybe your friend can do some explaining.

Moreover, should they decide to marry, your absence from the wedding would also send a signal. My guess is that unless he understands what an exclusive, lifelong commitment to a wife means, the marriage might not be valid.

For now, you might consider that man-to-man talk with your pal. And if that fails, you might want to keep your distance. For he could be heading for a serious accident, sooner or later.

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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!