**Please note: this is NOT an overnight retreat.**
Join us for “The Secrets of Prayer” marriage retreat, and embark on a journey that will not only strengthen your marriage but also enrich your faith. You will have the opportunity to engage in guided prayer sessions, reflective exercises, and intimate discussions that will help you unlock the secrets of praying together. This is not just about individual spirituality; it’s about creating a shared journey that brings you closer to each other and to God. You will experience a mixture of talks, questionnaires, time for personal reflection (individually and with your spouse); celebration of the Saturday Vigil Mass, and time for Confession and Renewal of Wedding Vows are all included. This is a two-day retreat, but you do not stay overnight.
Retreat schedule~ Fri: 7:30-9:30 PM; Sat: 8:30 AM – 6:15 PM. There will also be time to socialize with the other participants, but this program is about the couple, and no one will be put on the spot to share with the group.
Cost to attend: $250 per couple; EARLY-BIRD RATE: $200 per couple.
Visit our website for more information and to register for www.ourladyofbethesda.org or call 301-365-0612. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817.