Written by Fr. John Pietropaoli, LC and presented by Fr. John Bartunek, LC, SThD Christ’s great commandment is that we love one another as he has loved us. Inasmuch as we live that out, we are Christians in name and in fact. But we encounter an obstacle: our own weakness and sinfulness. Luckily, God has given us the saints, friends who can guide us along the narrow path that leads to eternal life. St. Thérèse of Lisieux is such a friend. St. Thérèse offers us a Little Way of Love which we can follow no matter where we are in our spiritual journey. And in this Retreat Guide, Love One Another, we will explore that Little Way in the following stages:
- In the First Meditation, we will reflect on the background of St. Thérèse’s Little Way and how it fits in with our call to holiness, which means greatness in love.
- In the Second Meditation, we will delve into Christ’s great commandment to love one another as he has loved us.
- In the Conference, we will unite the two meditations by looking at how St. Thérèse lived that great commandment in her own life, and we will draw out some practical conclusions.
- The introduction and meditations are now available as ONE video. Pause at anytime or click ahead to watch the next meditation.
- The Personal Questionnaire/Group discussion questions are available in the Companion Guide Book or Small Group Companion Guide. Either download the PDF Companion Guide Book or purchase it. The Companion Guide Book is available for purchase from Amazon. Pause the video at any moment to go to the Companion Guide Book or continue to the next meditation.