
Elves for Shelves food drive

For the past six years, Pinecrest Academy has hosted the annual “Elves for Shelves” food drive, a service initiative that began years prior but gained momentum in 2017 when the lower, middle and high schools began competing to see who could stock the most shelves! Each year, the campaign begins just after Thanksgiving and runs through mid-December. The St. Joseph’s Food Pantry at St. Brendan Catholic Church has been the beneficiary of this annual school campaign for several years now. In 2023, close to 11,000 food items were collected by families, faculty, and staff. Students were encouraged to be actively engaged, with some going door-to-door in their neighborhoods, where they encountered many who wanted to help.


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November prayer for souls

November Prayer-a-Day Calendar for Souls in Purgatory

Regnum Christi member, CC Christopherson of Ohio, shares a way she and her family make the most of the month of November with a calendar on which each day is assigned to a deceased person whom they pray for on that day.

This is a calendar printout you can keep on your fridge to remind everyone of their holy November mission. You write the name of a deceased loved one on each day of the calendar, reminding you to dedicate your prayers and sacrifices for them on that day. At the end of November, you will have brought 30 souls a bit closer to their eternal reward!

Find out more here.

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Lenten Virtual Pilgrimage of Prayer Through Jerusalem

With the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land continuing to prevent pilgrims from visiting Jerusalem, the holy sites in Jerusalem remain mostly empty. In 2024, Magdala announced the release of its Lenten Virtual Pilgrimage of Prayer Through Jerusalem, allowing people from all over the world to visit Jerusalem virtually during Lent.

The daily 20-minute program took virtual pilgrims to well-known holy sites, including Calvary, Jesus’ tomb, Mount Zion, Gethsemane, the Western Wall, and the Way of the Cross, accompanied by a reflection on Christian prayer from these and many other hidden monasteries and Churches in the Old City that most visitors have never seen.

You can find out more information on Magdala’s website, Instagram account, and YouTube account.

Read more about this initiative here:

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Magdala Music

Magdala Music

MARIANA BE is a singer, songwriter, and music producer in English, Spanish, and Latin. Born in the city of Querétaro, México, she attended a Regnum Christi school in Monterrey, before settling in San Antonio, Texas.

On a trip to Magdala, the hometown of Mary Magdalene in the Holy Land, she had an encounter with the transforming love of God, which led her to write a song – and eventually an entire album – inspired by and created in Magdala.

You can follow her music account “MARIANA BE” and “Magdala Music” on all digital music platforms, or follow her YouTube channels “Magdala en Español, Magdala English, and MARIANA BE Music,” as well as her Instagram accounts, @ExperienceMagdala and @MARIANABE1.

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Catholic Institute of Technology

Set in a beautiful villa in the scenic town of Castel Gandolfo, Italy, the Catholic Institute of Technology is a brand new university founded on the vision of integrating cutting-edge scientific research and rapid technological advancement with the wisdom and tradition of the Catholic faith. In the fall of 2024, CatholicTech will open its doors to students seeking to become saints, scientists, scholars, and leaders in their fields.

The mission of the school is to integrate the wisdom of revelation with the truths that are discoverable to human reason, through a curriculum that incorporates the rigors of technical education with a moral and spiritual formation in the Catholic faith. To that end, CatholicTech hopes to form students who will be impactful leaders in their fields of scientific research and innovation, fully aligned with the teachings of the Catholic Church and informed by faith, reason, and virtue.

Fr. Michael Baggot, LC, and Lílian Santos, Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi, both serve on the faculty of Philosophy and Theology for CatholicTech.  Madeline Conover, a Regnum Christi young adult, serves as Director of Admissions.

“The exciting thing about starting an institution like this is that we have the energy of a tech start-up, with lots of room for innovation. For the students, this means they’ll be given the tools they need to succeed, as well as the runway space to be independent and creative, and what they bring to the school will shape the university, too.”

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The Stations of the Cross Through the Face of Jesus

Through Fr. Jason’s photographs of the striking Stations of the Cross at the Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, gaze upon Jesus’ face as did Mary, the women, and his bravest followers, who, though devastated, accompanied Him on the journey of His Passion’s walk to Golgotha.

Share Christ’s final earthly journey that reveals God’s infinite love for each of us.

Photography and meditations were creates by Fr. Jason Smith, LC.  and published by RC Spirituality as a Lenten meditation series.

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This annual Labour Day Weekend ECYD High School Boys’ road trip includes an afternoon in NYC with mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral, a day at Legion of Christ seminary in Cheshire, a Yankees baseball game Sunday afternoon, and Mass in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC.

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Spiritual Motherhood of Priests

Led by Marianne Gronotte, more than two hundred and fifty women across three states throughout the Ohio Valley region have become spiritual mothers to the priests in their dioceses, and the Legionary priests who serve the area. These women are committed to praying for their adopted priest-sons in a dedicated and maternal way, starting with a weekly Holy Hour.

This weekly hour of Eucharistic Adoration is just one of five simple commitments of the SMOP program, but it is the women’s promise to pray for their priest before the Blessed Sacrament that is the basis, not just of this program, but of all spiritual motherhood programs around the world.

Besides weekly adoration, the women commit to saying daily prayers for their priest-son throughout the day, and frequenting the sacrament of confession as often as they can.

Perhaps the most difficult commitment to keep is that of anonymity: the women are required to remain anonymous to their priest-son. In the spirit of humility, and with the example of Jesus’ own mother Mary, who “kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart,” the women are discouraged from divulging to each other, and especially to their priest-sons, for whom they are praying. “There is something very sweet and hidden about praying for someone I’ve never met and will probably never meet,” describes one spiritual mother, “I like to think that even though I won’t know my spiritual son here on earth, we will recognize each other in Heaven.”

The fifth commitment requires the women to promise to pray for their priest-son for the rest of their lives. The women in the Spiritual Motherhood of Priests program enter into a permanent, life-long relationship that does not end even when their priest passes away; his spiritual mother will continue to pray for his soul as long as she lives.

Find out more here

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Garden Rosary by Candlelight

Regnum Christi and Lumen families and friends enjoyed an evening of hospitality and prayer at the Connecticut home of Lisa and Bob Rooney whose backyard was in near full bloom. Mary Smith and Luly Fernandez, Consecrated Women of RC from the DC community, graciously provided and handed each family a personalized votive candle. The candles were lit and held throughout the praying of the Rosary, providing a golden glow to the faces of the participants and illuminating Mary’s statue.


In the end, the candles were collected and taken back by Mary and Luly to be placed in the chapel in their home in DC. In the coming weeks, each one will burn in the sanctuary lamp for eight days, and the consecrated women will pray for the intentions of the family who held it. Everyone commented on how their hearts were touched and warmed by this gesture.


Fr. Eric Nielsen, Regnum Christi Chaplain, led us in praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Lay women and men took turns announcing the mysteries, the accompanying scripture verses and meditations, and the closing prayers. The evening ended with a moving and inspirational reflection by Luly Fernandez. She reminded us of the incredible, even miraculous power of prayer, especially in the praying of the Rosary. As the guests departed, each received in place of their candle a fully bloomed white rose to remind us of Mary’s glories, and a package of seeds for a Marian flower, to begin their own Mary Garden.

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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!