Mercy Missions Atlanta runs missions annually in Downtown Atlanta with components of formation, apostolate, team life, and prayer. Hundreds of high schoolers, college students, and young adults participate in missions every year across the Greater Atlanta Area. Constant partnership with schools, parishes, and nonprofit organizations is key to engaging young people and driving awareness of the mission. Teams consisting of missionaries and team leaders are formed to serve and take to the streets to encounter the people of Atlanta.
“Young people love a challenge, and a deeper purpose to their lives. The more we invite them into the great adventure of knowing and experiencing Christ in prayer, the more they will hunger for him. The more we help them uncover the richness, depth, and beauty of the faith by teaching it in a real and dynamic way, the more they will fall in love with it and desire to live it. And the more we challenge them to rise up and put their gifts and talents at the service of evangelizing, the more they will respond and come up with better and more creative apostolates than we could even imagine.”
Offering monthly street evangelization missions allows students to pray together, meet other college students, and learn to overcome their fear in sharing the faith.