God’s plan for the human family was disrupted by eating. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they betrayed their friendship with God, losing the only source of lasting happiness, and put the whole world under the influence of evil. Eating the forbidden fruit also introduced death into the human family, because original sin also cut us off from God’s gift of the Tree of Life. So there you have it: God’s plan for us was messed up by eating. But God drew up a plan to restore that lost friendship and renew the lost promise of eternal life. And, in a wonderful stroke of divine wisdom, this plan of restoration also involves eating. In this Retreat Guide, Food for the Journey, we will reflect on this amazing gift.
- The two meditations will highlight some of its wonders and refresh our appreciation for it.
- And the conference will offer some practical advice for getting more out of Mass, the quintessential celebration of the Eucharist.