Locality Annual Budget Due
September 30
Annual Budgets
The annual budget for the locality is prepared by the locality and submitted at the end of September to the territorial directive college for its approval. The territorial budget cycle is January through December.
The budget presents a consolidated picture of the locality’s financial plan, rolling up section budgets, locality operations, and the financial contributions to communities, apostolates, and the territory. The territory provides a sample template for submitting the locality budget.
The detailed budgets for the Legionary or consecrated communities in the locality are developed simultaneously and submitted in a parallel process through their respective branches. Communication between the locality and the communities is important to ensure clear expectations around fundraising and financial support.
In evaluating the budgets, the territorial directive college is looking to confirm: 1) alignment between the locality plan and the budget; 2) evidence of fiscal responsibility within the locality; and 3) evidence of commitment to financially support the mission in the territory.
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