The charismatic reality of Regnum Christi was born on January 3, 1941, the moment when the Lord founded the Legionaries of Christ and, together with them and through them, Regnum Christi. Its objective was set from the beginning: to encourage the personal holiness of its members through a spirituality centered on Christ.
The General Directive College has sent a letter to all members of Regnum Christi inviting them to see this date as a “reminder of God’s providence in bringing to life this charism that he wanted to give to his Church, announcing his merciful love to all, leading us to the redemptive encounter with Christ and inviting us to become his apostles in the world with passionate zeal (2 Cor 5:14) created through the personal experience of the love of Jesus Christ.”
Regnum Christi consists of four vocations: the Legionaries of Christ, Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi, Lay Consecrated Men of Regnum Christi, and lay members. Each vocation brings its own vocational dynamism to the shared mission.
“Based on the certainty that stems from our charism as a gift of God and a deep Christian gaze upon the world from which we are called and to which we are also sent out, we renew our desire and commitment to make the Kingdom of Christ present in hearts and in society, in the here and now of the world.” (Communiqué of the General Convention 2024, 3).
This 84th anniversary also happens during the 2025 Jubilee called by Pope Francis for the entire Church. Regnum Christi has always lived and encouraged deep fidelity to the Pope and his Magisterium, so we are full of enthusiasm as we begin to live this year of grace by joining in the celebrations around the world.
“Since those beginnings,” states the letter from the General Directive College, “the Lord has blessed our spiritual family with innumerable fruits: men and women transformed by an encounter with Christ, communities of apostles seeking to extend his Kingdom, and a living witness of charity among a diversity of vocations.”
Let us thank God for this anniversary and renew our commitment to extend the Kingdom of Christ in our hearts and in the hearts of others.
Read the letter from the General Directive College below:
Translation of the Spanish Original
January 3, 2025
DG-FRC 001-2025
Clas. II.3.A.11
To all members of Regnum Christi,
With profound gratitude to God and with a heart full of hope, we celebrate the anniversary of the day on which the Lord founded the Legionaries of Christ and, together with it and through it, Regnum Christi.
This date is a reminder of God’s providence in bringing to life this charism that he wanted to give to his Church, announcing his merciful love to all, leading us to the redemptive encounter with Christ and inviting us to become his apostles in the world with passionate zeal (2 Cor 5:14) created through the personal experience of the love of Jesus Christ.
The charism of Regnum Christi, initially embodied in the Legionaries of Christ, who, by their condition as priests make Christ the Priest and Good Shepherd present, has been extended with strength and richness to all the members of our spiritual family, allowing each one to participate fully in this evangelizing mission. Since those beginnings, the Lord has blessed our spiritual family with innumerable fruits: men and women transformed by an encounter with Christ, communities of apostles seeking to extend his Kingdom, and a living witness of charity among a diversity of vocations.
We have traveled a path that has not been free of challenges, but we have experienced the faithfulness of God who guides our mission. 2024 has also been a special year for our family. At the first Ordinary General Convention of the Regnum Christi Federation, we reflected deeply on the path that leads us to 2030, focused on our mission of “making the Kingdom of Christ present in people’s hearts and society.”
We strengthened our commitment to forming vibrant evangelizing communities of apostles, where each member finds a place to reach their vocational fullness and contributes their unique talents to the service of the Kingdom. Aware of the needs of today’s world, we have committed ourselves to be witnesses of hope in the midst of uncertainty because we are certain that “hope does not disappoint” (Romans 5:5), as Pope Francis tells us at the beginning of the bull of convocation of the jubilee “Spes Non Confundit.” We renew our apostolic mission to plant the seed of the Kingdom, go out to meet others at the crossroads, and see the world with the eyes and heart of Christ.
On this anniversary, we invite you to thank God for the Legionaries of Christ who, with their religious consecration, bear witness to their total dedication to Jesus Christ and as priests, represent Christ the Priest and Good Shepherd, collaborating in the formation and apostolic mission of the members of Regnum Christi. May Mary, Queen of the Apostles and Mother of Hope, continue to accompany us on this journey of configuration with her Son. United in prayer and mission, we trust that the fruits of the Spirit will continue to deepen and become fruitful, particularly in this year of jubilee grace.
With our prayers,
The General Directive College of Regnum Christi