Q: I’m a cradle Catholic who has attended primarily Novus Ordo Mass most of my life. Can you please explain how is my faith under threat by attending this valid form of Mass? I’m not sure how this can be and would like clarification. I’m terribly confused by this because my faith is everything to me. I attend daily Mass, go to confession every two weeks, and receive Communion. My fiancé was newly initiated into the Church. He watched a talk on social media from an exorcist priest who called the Novus Ordo “a threat to faith.” My fiancé, quoting the exorcist, said something about Novus Ordo having extraordinary ministers giving Communion. But I don’t see the connection between this and my faith being under threat. Am I missing something? – R.P.
Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC
A: No, you aren’t missing anything.
The Novus Ordo Mass was promulgated by Pope St. Paul VI in 1969 and is perfectly valid. Popes St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis had or have no problem celebrating the Novus Ordo.
The Novus Ordo has been attacked by some people because of some abuses and sloppiness that have gone on and continue to go on.
This includes priests who improvise prayers, allow non-ordained people to give homilies, and resort to theatrics in the sanctuary. While these kinds of abuses can weaken a person’s faith, they aren’t allowed by the Novus Ordo rubrics.
My short advice is for you and your fiancé to study the faith together, relying on solid authors and theologians.
For something readily accessible, you might want to view Father Mike Schmitz’s yearlong series on the Bible or on the Catechism.
For particular questions, check out the Catholic Answers site. And for worthwhile reading, check out Trent Horn’s list.
Make some of this part of your ongoing formation in the faith, and you and your fiancé will be on the right road. Count on my prayers.