Q: I was not raised very religious, and I was not incredibly involved outside of youth programming and other occasional events. However, for the past year I have found myself deeply drawn not just to learning more about my relationship with God, but even to taking up a religious profession. It makes no sense to me why I would be drawn to such a profession — I am a college student about to graduate and pursue an advanced degree, who has never considered anything like this. Yet in the back of my mind, it feels as though I am being called in two different directions. The situation has left me quite nervous and very distressed about my future. What if I’m meant to do something that I’ve never considered? I would really appreciate any insight you could provide. – C.K.
Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC
A: If you feel drawn to learn more about your relationship with God, that’s a great grace.
You are a beloved daughter of God, and he only wants your happiness and holiness.
A good first step is to dedicate time for prayer each day. I’m assuming that you are Catholic since you mention the religious life; if so, it would be good to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days.
It would also be good to try to learn more about your faith. If your time is limited, you might try reading a page or two a day of the Youth Catechism or the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults.
It would be good, too, to make a general confession and to pursue the sacrament of confirmation. A local parish could give you more details.
As for a possible religious vocation: Let’s take first things first.
It’s important to get a solid understanding of your faith and to get into the practice of regular prayer and the sacraments. If God is calling you to something special, he will affirm it when you are in moments of calm, not nervousness and distress.
It would be good to get in touch with a person who could act as a spiritual guide.
Also, one doesn’t “profess” in a vacuum, but rather in a group such as a religious congregation or society of apostolic life. If you feel drawn to a particular group, it would be good to approach them. They could help in the process of discernment.
As for your academic path: Be confident that God loves you and will be guiding you.
Could he be calling you toward something you never considered? Certainly. And if he does, he will give you the grace to follow his call.
I hope some of this helps. Count on my prayers.